Specialty items, such as Canvasses, Ornaments, Drinkware, etc. can take 7 to 10 work days to complete.
Regular print orders received before noon Monday thru Friday will typically be ready at 4PM the same day.
Please call ahead to confirm you order status. For comments, questions or issues, please email print@elmcityphoto.com or call (207) 873-4780.
In Store Services
Preserve your old photos, negatives, and slides with our scanning services.
Scans are saved to a USB flash drive.We also offer Merged Artwork Scans and Artwork Copies for your old curved photos and your personal artistic paintings.
We will transfer your home movies from VHS tapes, VHS-C, Mini-Dv, 8mm Tapes, or Digital Video files to a DVD or USB flash drive starting at only $39.95/2 hours.
Old 8mm movie reel film can also be converted for an additional cost of $3 per minute of film transfered.
Simple, fast, and always guaranteed.
This is a walk in service, no appointment needed.
Bring in your specific requirements and we can accommodate your custom ID photo needs.Standard 2x2 US regulation Passport $10.00
Custom ID Photo $15.00
Digital Copy $5.00+tax -
Access our Website from one of our in store kiosks.
Our kiosks handle multiple media types from camera memory cards, CD disks, flash drives, and even phones!Our knowledgeable staff is always here and ready to help you with any questions you may have.
Passport Photos
At Elm City Photo getting your Passport Photo or ID Photo is simple, fast, and always guaranteed.
We also do visa and passport photos for other countries.
Bring in your specific requirements and we can accommodate your custom ID photo needs.
This is a walk in service, no appointment needed.
Standard 2x2 US regulation Passport $10.00
Custom ID Photo $15.00
Digital Copy $5.00+tax